At La Compagnie Creative we are dedicated to contributing to a happier healthier environment. Maintaining our environmental principles makes up part of our core ethos.  We continue to find ways to improve our

 Reduction of waste

·      Our kitchen waste is monitored and when possible composted

·      We encourage all of our employees to recycle paper, plastics, glass and metals at the creche.

·      Our office supplies such as print cartridges are recycled, and shredded paper composted

 Reduction of energy consumption

·      All of the lights at La Compagnie Creative are low power consuming LEDs

·      The majority of lights are on automatic sensors which will prevent them turning on during daylight hours.

·      We use a variety of smart systems to monitor and reduce the amount of energy we burn for our hot water production and heating

·      Office equipment runs on energy saving modes, and are turned off during periods of non use.

·      The equipment we use to maintain our gardens are all electric

·      The air conditioning reacts to ambient temperatures to reduce its running time.

·      Our electricity comes from renewable sustainable sources (Wind, Hydroelectric, Solar)

·      The majority of electrical appliances are rated A+ or higher.

Selecting products to use at La Compagnie Creative

·      We reduce the use of plastics to an absolute minimum

·      We do not use single use plastics

·      Our nappies are made from recycled materials

·      We do not use single use wet wipes

·      The office paper we use is a carbon neutral

·      All of our cleaning products are ‘Ecocert’

 Other ways

·      We have at least one meat free menu per week

·      In our gardens we plant plants which help pollinators

·      Our professionals promote gardening activities with the children.

·      Every 6-12 months we work with an arborist who checks on the health of the trees surrounding the creches.

·      Our furniture is sourced from FSC forests and producers which have been accredited NF Environnemement

·      Over 70% of the products used in the kitchen are marked with a Bio certification.

·      Our contracts and documents shared with parents are paperless as of January 2021